and receive 500 UAH for issuing a vseBUSINESS loan for private entrepreneurs* for 1 UAH
Recommend FUIB and receive 24 months of service for FREE!
Partner service conditions
2 month free of charge after fulfilling the conditions
"всеDigital" tariff
Details of the tariff package
(the first month is free)
(if you have a microcredit) *
Current account opening
Internet banking
SMS banking to 1 phone number
Visa Business Standard Instant card
PayWave Chip Card
one free
Virtual card to choose from: Visa Business Virtual ao MCDebit Business Virtual
10 cards
Payments in UAH within FUIB
Payments in UAH outside FUIB, depending on the amount:
10 pieces per month for free
up to UAH 5,000
from UAH 5,000 to 100,000
from UAH 100,000
12 UAH
Cash withdrawal by corporate card
Transfers of cash to your own account
0.2% of the amount, min 10 UAH
Deposit cash to your
own account through PTKS
Payments in foreign currency
0.15% of the payment amount
Purchase of foreign currency
Sale of foreign currency
* For clients of individual entrepreneurs, starting from the second month, the fee is not charged if there is a valid loan agreement for the product "vseBUSINESS loan"
Conditions for participation
Be a bank customer and have an existing account or open one here
Invite a partner easily
- 01
First step
Open the PUMB Digital Business mobile app and go to the "More" tab
- 02
Second step
Select "Invite a partner"
- 03
Third step
Send your partner an invitation through any messenger convenient for you, or by scanning the QR code
Conditions for receiving rewards

Prerequisite for receiving a reward
Reward is accrued after the invited partner opens an Account by referral link with the Bank in the VSEDigital service package and performs at least one expense transaction on the Account within 30 calendar days from the date of opening the Account